Tuesday, April 01, 2003

wow, here's a first: my last post-it got a reaction. Now the post-it is on the wall outside our bathroom and says RIGHT in big red capital letters on the bottom of it.

I think that's exactly what I don't like about this country. No quietly taking the post-it down, no explaining to me why we should think about the victims of of 9/11 while we're in the shower, just "I take your individuality as a personal offense. Shut up, and do as I say!"

Monday, March 31, 2003

Underneath Sign in Public Shower That Says: "9/11 -- Never To Be Forgotten"

Even in the shower?

-- Troubled Youth

I know it's kind of crude to mock a rememberance of 9/11, but it's pretty tacky to put something like that up in the shower in the first place. And it's been there for several months. Really, do the victims of Sept. 11 really want to be remembered by something hung on a wall in a public shower?